Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet of paper.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet of paper. Open your computer and begin logging on. Log on to iLit. Copy the following words on your paper. Then, circle their vowel sounds. T O T A L I T A R I A N D I C T A T O R S H I P Once you are logged on, go to: Interactive Reading and/or: Finish the assignment from Tuesday. Finish reading chapter 27 and begin chapter 28, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Jen said the stuff from the computer was true.” Finish paraphrasing.

Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Media and Technology Essential Question: Is privacy possible in a digital world? 10 Interactive Reading (AND, finish reading part of chapter 28 and completing the paraphrasing) 5 Vocabulary (totalitarian, dictatorship) 15 Read Aloud Think Aloud Among the Hidden (chapters 28 and part of 29) (Visualizing) Classroom Conversation (If time permits) Whole Group (Visualizing) 35 Work Time (Finish 29; Visualizing) Wrap-Up

Totalitarian: A government where the leader has total control of everyone. The totalitarian leader made everyone give him their _______. Dictatorship: A government where the leader has total control of everyone and takes away all of the people’s rights. Superman used ________________ to destroy the dictatorship and give the people back their rights.

1.16 Fervently: describes an action that is strongly and intensely felt Deranged: crazy Sabotage: To purposely prevent someone or something from being successful. 1.17 Assured: told someone that something is true or is going to happen Sabotage: to purposely prevent something or someone from being successful 1.18 Totalitarian: describes a government in which the one ruling party has complete control over the people 1.19 Dictatorship: a form of government in which the ruling party maintains total control through the use of force and the denial of individual rights.

Monitoring Understanding by Paraphrasing Too late, Luke thought to wonder if the man knew about the rally. Was Luke betraying Jen’s confidence? But the man didn’t look surprised. He was studying Luke as intently as Luke had been studying him. “Why didn’t you stop her?” the man asked. “Stop Jen? That’s like trying to stop the sun,” Luke said. The man gave Luke the faintest of smiles, one that contained no happiness. “Just remember that,” he said. Paraphrase: Continue reading 27 and 28. Write at least five paraphrases as you read.

Lessons 11-15 Words Unfurling: unrolling; opening up or spreading out Sarcastic: marked by a feeling of bitterness; showing scorn or disrespect Hydroponics: the process of growing plants in sand or water instead of soil Genocide: the murder of a group of people or a whole race Compromise: act or behavior that does not agree with one’s beliefs Enthralled: focused one’s complete attention on something because it is very interesting or beautiful Distraction: something that draws a person’s attention away from a topic or subject Giddy: describes a feeling of great happiness or excitement

Vocabulary (Lessons 1-5): Defiance: When a person disobeys rules. Hulking: Very large or heavy. Enforce: To make a person obey a rule. Bellowed: Shout in a loud voice out of anger. Recline: To lean or lie back. Habitation: Where someone lives. Stupefied: Stunned or shocked. Hordes: Large crowds of people.

Unit 1: Lessons 6, 7, 8 and 9 Vocabulary Words Reluctantly: Describes an action that is done slowly because one does not want to do it. Irritable: Annoyed and short tempered. Pathetic: Sad or pitiful. Universal: Widely accepted, used, or understood by all people. Violation: An action that is against a law, rule or agreement. Propaganda: False statements used by the government to get people to support their ideas. Infiltrator: a spy

Work Time: Students will be working in small groups with Mr. Kern: Silent Reading Comprehension Strategies

Wrap-Up: Do you think Jen’s dad is trying to trick Luke, or is he trying to help him? Continue working on your assignments as homework.