Health 9/19/18
Reading a Nutrition Facts Panel The Nutrition Facts Panel tells you how large one serving is and the number of calories and amounts of nutrients in a serving. Studying the % Daily Value Column will tell you if a food is high or low in certain nutrients. You want to look for foods that have low daily value percentages (below 5%) for fats, cholesterol, and sodium. Choose foods whose labels show high percentages(20% or above) of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
The foods you choose…. Influences on food choices: Personal taste: the way foods look,smell, feel, and taste. Geography: The land, climate, and agricultural products where you live affect food availability. Family, friends, and cultural background: your family’s traditions,or ethnic background. You may also select certain foods because of friends. Advertising: food ads may influence you to choose one food over others. Cost: if you don’t have much money to spend, you may choose certian foos because they cost less. Convenience: sometimes you may select foods that you can prepare quickly and easily. The foods you choose…. The foods you eat enable your body to grow and function properly Nutrition: is the process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth, and good health.