Daily Starter – Day 55 Using your understanding of electronegativity, determine if C-C is Non-Polar Covalent Polar Covalent Ionic How about C-H?
Carbon Chemistry C4.2 nomenclature C4.8 Carbon Chemistry A) Structural formulas for up to ten carbon chains B) Draw Isomers for simple hydrocarbons Carbon Chemistry
Carbon Chemistry Chemistry of Life is organized around carbon. Carbon accounts for more than 50% dry weight of cells. Covalently linked C atoms can form linear chains, branched chains, or cyclical structures
Alkanes Hydrocarbons with only single covalent bonds (No double bonds) (saturated – fully soaked in H) Straight Chains or Branches Non-polar Equal sharing of electrons between C-C and C-H bonds
Alkenes Hydrocarbons with 1 or more DOUBLE BONDS UNsaturated –Some H(s) replaced by double bonds
Alkynes Hydrocarbons with 1 or more TRIPLE BOND UNsaturated –Some H replaced by double bonds
Functional Groups These are groups of other atoms added to C-skeletons
Aldehydes & Ketones R R C=O within the chain ALDEHYDE KETONE C=O at end of chain indicated by H ALDEHYDE KETONE R R
Carbohydrates (Not to be confused with Hydrocarbons) Class of biomolecules that have aldehydes or ketones C,H,O
Ketone or Aldehyde?
Ketone or Aldehyde? GLUCOSE FRUCTOSE
In-Class Work on Drawing Hydrocarbon Chains Check in with me after the first 3 drawings What ever is not finished in class will be HOMEWORK