Chapter 1. Intro to Case Study Tech to Go | Luis G. Sison, PhD
Why do startups fail? “…failing to involve customers and their feedback from literally the first day of the startup’s life…” “get out of the building and talk to the only folks who matter – your customers.” - Steve Blank, technopreneur and author of “ The Startup Owners Manual”
VALUE CREATION WITH INNOVATION TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES CUSTOMER NEEDS Innovation Technology Process Product Services “There us no value until customer needs and technical capabilities intersect”
Activity: Technopreneur profiles What was the first venture attempt? What was the result? What did the cofounders do differently? How did they adjust? What strategic changes worked?
Waterfall versus agile process
Waterfall versus agile process
Agile reduces risk while capturing value earlier and more frequently
Agile reduces risk while capturing value earlier and more frequently
The Learn, Build, Measure cycle ensures that the decision to allocate significant resources is based on facts, rather than on unproven assumptions treated as facts.
Agile method and Minimum viable product Planning Analysis & Design Testing Evaluation Requirements MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CUSTOMER FEEDBACK
Lab course for startups
Class workflow M1 M2 M3 M4 Main Goal: -Opportunity identification - One-day Validation - Team Formation - First Pitch M2 - Problem/User Story - Validation -Design Sprint -LoFi MVP Validation M3 -IP, Tech transfer -Channels, sales - Production, cost - Hifi MVP M4 - Venture planning Demo day Main Goal: Market validation (customers, investors, or sponsors) not just product development