Tips for Writing Short Answer Responses
1. Study the Content: Knowing the Content is half of the battle. 2. Read before Answering: Read both Questions. Do the One you feel the most comfortable doing first.
3. Follow the Questions within the question: Answer the different parts as they want you too. Look for key words likes explain or apply 4. Be direct in your answer: Don’t write in round about phases. Answer directly to the question. If you use examples keep to the core elements. Be Specific.
5. Plan: Plan your response. Make a list before you start writing 5. Plan: Plan your response. Make a list before you start writing. Check off as you go. Remember to follow the order of the question. 6. Stay Consistent: Don’t contradict yourself. Knowing the Content will help with this
7. Remember your English Classes: Write legibly, use propper sentences, if you mess up draw a single line across what you want to omit. 8. Except for ….. : Avoid Formal introduction and Conclusion. They rarely will give you anything. Remember .... Be direct
9. Show off what your know: Underline psychological terms and language 9. Show off what your know: Underline psychological terms and language. Underline to make easy spotting. 10. Use your time. You have 50 Minutes and they’re not going to let you go early …. Use them.