Link WGCapD Jointly-offered Training & Agency Training Sites Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Link WGCapD Jointly-offered Training & Agency Training Sites Prakash Chauhan, IIRS/ISRO CEOS WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting Agenda Item 28 Working Group on Capacity Building & Data Democracy Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Indian Space Research Organisation Dehradun, India March 06th – 08th, 2019
Background and Gap Area Different Space Agencies are conducting various training and education program on EO Systems. The mode of training varies from face-to-face class room programs, webinars, online live and interactive courses, e-learning courses to MOOC. The information about above program is available in scatter format with different mode of announcement.
Many Training Programmes Different Training Programmes on EO Many Training Programmes
The Proposal It is proposed to build a integrated web portal as a common platform to get the information about the various training programs offered by different space agencies. The proposed portal may be setup as a knowledge portal of CEOS WGCapD.
Content of proposed portal The target user of proposed knowledge portal of WGCapD will be: Students and beginners; Working Professionals and Researchers; Decision Makers and Planners. The content of the knowledge portal may include: Information on various training education programs offered by the different space agencies with regular updates. Training schedule and target beneficiaries. Link to announcement, registration and training web page
Content of proposed portal Repository of learning resources and course content of past courses. Lecture presentations, Videos, Practical demonstration etc. Learning tools, standards, and open repositories Link to open and free software Link to open data repositories List of subject matter experts Discussion forms and mailing list. Thank You