Thesis Statements Easy steps to a great thesis
A thesis statement is… A guide map for your entire paper. Provides a mini- summary of the paper’s content. Allows the reader to know in advance how the paper is organized. Lets the reader know why he/she should care…the so what. Specific in presenting the writer’s postion.
A thesis statement can be: The answer to a question that you have posed. The solution for a problem you have identified A statement that takes a position on a debatable topic
Thesis statement: Argumentative An argumentative paper makes a claim based on opinion, evaluation, or interpretation about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence. Example: High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue community service projects before entering college in order to increase their maturity and global awareness.
Thesis statement: Argumentative High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue community service projects in order to increase their maturity and global awareness. Red: Narrows your audience Green: The main argument Purple: Reasoning for your argument
Thesis statement: Argumentative School uniforms: High school students should be required to wear standard school uniforms in order to better the environment of public school by limiting social stigma.
Thesis statement: Argumentative The legal driving should be sixteen-years-old so that drivers gain valuable experience before adulthood.
Thesis statement: Argumentative Elementary school students should be required to attend school on Saturdays in order to maximize learning by giving students less time to withdraw from class.
Thesis statement: Argumentative Now it’s your turn! Topic: Cell phones are dangerous Put audience in (…) Underline main argument Put all sub-arguments in *…* Put reasoning in […]
Argumentative Practice Topic: Cell phones are dangerous Thesis Statement: Using cell phones while driving is hazardous for drivers of all ages, due to the distraction they cause, and should be a ticketable offence. Main argument: Cell phones are dangerous when used while driving. Cell phones cause a distraction Cell phones can take attention from the road Counter argument: Cell phones aren’t dangerous while driving when used correctly. Reply Argument: (Deals with the main argument and proving that it is true) How many times do drivers have an actual emergency while driving? If communication is needed, drivers can use hands-free devices or voice command.
Animal Research Testing Thesis Statement Main Argument (Take a side) At least two supports Counter Argument (The opposite of your Main Argument) Reply Argument (My Main Argument Outweighs the Counter Argument)