WARM UPS! Sheet of paper, folded into quarters One day of the week on each square—Fridays on the back Always write the question Always write the answer Warm ups are collected on Fridays and graded—minor If you miss a day, get it from a partner/neighbor/friend 20pts per day
Monday 7/18 Which of the following should NOT be worn during a laboratory activity? --loose clothing --dangling jewelery --flip flops --all of the above
Tuesday 7/19 If you do not understand a direction or part of a lab procedure, you should --figure it out as you go --try several methods until one works -- ask the teacher before proceeding --skip it and go to the next part
wednesday 7/20 When doing a lab, you should never: --tie your hair back --run to your partner --wear closed toe shoes --clean everything up --read directions
Thursday 7/21 It’s a good idea to show your independence by doing lab experiments on your own. True or false? It’s mandatory to report even minor lab accidents to the teacher. True or false?
Friday 7/22 Christine had 14 unread texts in her phone. Qualitative or quantitative? The song had really bad lyrics. Qualitative or quantitative? The concert had twelve hundred attendees. QL or QN?