7th Grade Unit1 Operations with RationalNumbers Integer Intro 7th Grade Unit1 Operations with RationalNumbers
What are integers? Integers are whole numbers that describe opposite ideas in mathematics. Integers can either be negative(-), positive(+) or zero. The integer zero is neutral. It is neither positive nor negative, but is an integer.
Positive Integers are… Are valued greater than zero. The sign for a positive integer is (+), however the sign is not always needed. Meaning +3 is the same value as 3.
Negative Numbers are… Are valued less than zero. The sign for a negative integer is (-). This sign is always needed.
How are integers represented on a number line? Integers can be represented on a number line, which can help us understand the valve of the integer. Positive numbers are to the right or above zero Negative Numbers are to the left or below zero.
What are opposite numbers? Opposite integers are integers with the same “absolute value”. Opposite integers always have a “net worth” of 0. Opposite Integers are know as Zero Pairs.
What is absolute value? “Absolute value”, refers to the distance from the number and zero on the number line.
Integers can be represented using integer counters or a number line (vertical or horizontal). Representing Integers using Integer Counters What integer is represented? Representing Integers using a Number Line