Vocabulary 9 esl8q1w9
Vocabulary 9 Language Arts Math Social Studies Science 1. Preface – introduction, foreword, preamble 1.absolute value – the number regardless of negative or positive; displayed as [4] 1.Significant - important dependent variable - the event studied and expected to change when the inde-pendent variable is changed. 2. Reliability – dependability, steadfastness 2.complement of an event 2.Philanthropy – giving to aid mankind experimental group – a group of subjects who are exposed to the variable under study: 3. sensory detail – descriptive words about sight, smell, taste, touch, feeling, sounds 3.compound - more than one 3.Altruism – true at all times and everywhere independent variable – (in an experiment) a variable that is intentionally changed to observe its effect on the dependent variable.