Population and Migration Vocabulary Spatial diffusion Spatial analysis Demography Population density Population distribution Birth rate Death rate Dense Migration Overpopulation Push Factor Pull Factor Refugee Immigrant Satellite Image Urbanization Rural Cohesiveness Population Pyramid Center of Population
The spread of people and ideas from one place to another Spatial diffusion The spread of people and ideas from one place to another
Spatial analysis how geographers study the space used on Earth
Demography the statistical study of human population
Population density the number of people living in an area per square mile
Population distribution where people live in the world; they are unevenly distributed throughout the world
Birth rate the number of live births per 1000 people in a region
Death rate the number of deaths per 1000 people in a region
Dense crowded with people, thick
the process of moving from one place to live in another Migration the process of moving from one place to live in another
Overpopulation existing number of people is too large to be supported by the available resources
Push Factor negative factors which cause people to leave a place
Pull Factor positive factors which attract people to a place
Refugee people who have been forced to leave a country and cannot return
Immigrant when people enter a country to live from another country
Satellite Image a geographer’s tool to analyze objects or places from space which is useful for showing changes over time
Urbanization metropolitan or city
Rural country side
the force of bringing group members closer together Cohesiveness the force of bringing group members closer together
Population Pyramid a bar graph representing the distribution of population by age and gender
Center of Population A geographical point that describes a center point of the region's population.
Examples Be sure to add examples or use the term in a sentence on each of the index cards