POWER POINT PRESENTATION Chapter 3 - Industrial Revolution and Chapter 4 - Progressive Era
What should a good historical PowerPoint have. 1 What should a good historical PowerPoint have? 1. It should contain 5 important questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? 2. Use the “Section Focus Question” in the beginning of each section to start your presentation. The question establishes the theme for the information that will be presented.
3. Use nice eye-catching colors. 4 3. Use nice eye-catching colors. 4. Use plenty of pictures that visually describe the topic. 5. Put as little writing on the slides as possible, people don't want to sit and read it all! Use the index cards to memorize the facts. The cards can be used for reminders. 6. Ask your class questions on things you've covered in the presentation. Make them feel involved!
Each group is responsible for gathering information from various sources. Example: public library, school library, internet. (cite your sources)
Group Presentations - 4 Students per group Group Presentations - 4 Students per group. The instructor will place students in groups. Requirements : * PowerPoint slides (12-15) * Index cards (4-6) with the information. It will be collected after each presentation. * Time Frame - four (4) to six (6) minutes per group. Stay within the time frame to get a good grade.
VISUAL AID -Include pictures, maps, graphs, charts, and timeline in your presentation. It needs explanations so the audience understand the visual aid.
AUDIENCE -Every student need to listen need to the following to avoid loosing points: -No talking or sleeping -Any disruption will result in losing points in the student’s project and disciplinary actions.
TOTAL POINTS (300) The instructor will grade the following: 1 TOTAL POINTS (300) The instructor will grade the following: 1. PowerPoint with visuals (pictures, graphs, maps) = 100 2. Presentation – Loud, Clear, and look at the audiences = 100 3. Index Cards (4-5 cards) Must have information for the presentation = 50 4. Time Management = 50
Group Assignments Group 1 – Ch. 3, Sect. 1 Group 2 – Ch. 3, Sect Group Assignments Group 1 – Ch. 3, Sect. 1 Group 2 – Ch. 3, Sect. 2 Group 3 – Ch. 3, Sect. 3 Group 4 – Ch. 3, Sect. 4 Group 5 – Ch. 4, Sect. 1 Group 6 – Ch. 4, Sect. 2 Group 7 – Ch. 4, Sect. 3 Group 8 – Ch. 4, Sect. 4 Group 9 – Ch. 4, Sect. 5 Group – Ch. 4, Sect. 1
Each group will collaborate in dividing the work Each group will collaborate in dividing the work. The group will provide the instructor a “Concept Web” that illustrate the work divided by the group.
Concept Web .