Taster Day – Media Studies Activity 1 Text-type Audience Purpose
Text 1 Text-type: What type of text is this? How can you tell? Audience: Who is this text aimed at? Think about gender, age, class, interests, etc. How can you tell? Purpose: What do the designers of this text want from their audience?
Text 2 Text-type: What type of text is this? How can you tell? Audience: Who is this text aimed at? Think about gender, age, class, interests, etc. How can you tell? Purpose: What do the designers of this text want from their audience?
Text 3 Text-type: Audience: Purpose: What type of text is this? How can you tell? Audience: Who is this text aimed at? Think about gender, age, class, interests, etc. How can you tell? Purpose: What do the designers of this text want from their audience?
Logos Activity 2 Taster Day – Media Studies Don’t move onto this activity until told to.
Logo 1: Arsenal Describe what is on this logo, including colour, pictures, text and shape? 2. Why is this a good logo for Arsenal football club?
Logo 2: Bobble Eggs Describe what is on this logo, including colour, pictures, text and shape? 2. Why is this a good logo for an egg farm?
Design your own logo… Choose one of the following companies and design your own logo on paint, photoshop, or any other program you think would be most suitable: Johnny Blast Ice Cream Hektor Computers Amour Shoes for Women Power Football Boots BuzzChat (instant messaging app) Paste your design onto the next slide
My Design:
Denotation / Connotation Activity 3 Taster Day – Media Studies Don’t move onto this activity until told to.
Text 1 – Drink Driving Image: What does the image on this text show? Why has the designer chosen this image? Colour: What is the main colour that you notice on this advertisement and why have the designers chosen it?
Design your own poster… Choose one of the following campaigns and design your own poster on paint, photoshop, or any other program you think would be most suitable: Anti drink-driving Anti-illegal downloads Road safety Anti binge-drinking Remember to think about image, colour and making sure you appeal to your target audience. Paste your design onto the next slide
My Design