Aim: How did industrialization impact the United States? Do Now: Look at the list of key inventions of the American Revolution and… Which invention you consider to be the most important? Why do you believe the invention your rated #1 is the most significant?
Why was the invention of the Bessemer process significant?
Henry Ford’s Assembly Line Why was the invention of the Assembly Line significant?
What is industrialization? What was the Industrial Revolution? Industrial/industry: The process of making products using machines in a factory. Industrialization: the period of social and economic change that transformed the US from an agrarian (farming) society into an industrial one.
Why did factories first developed in the Northeast? Factories opened and were centered in the Northeast. Why did factories first developed in the Northeast?
Background Pre Civil War Factories spread quickly throughout the Northeast before the Civil War because of; Growth & availability of transportation -Erie Canal -Railroads -Ports & harbors New inventions -Bessemer process -Assembly line Natural resources -Oil Cheap labor -influx of new immigrants
Background Civil War The Civil War boosted industrialization as both North and South required weapons. Factories for guns, ammo, clothing, and various other supplies quickly grew. Post Civil War After the war, the transcontinental railroad opened commerce across the country, and further increased economic growth.
Task: Conduct a gallery walk to identify 8 effects of industrialization. Complete your graphic organizer as you walk and asses each document.
Summary CAUSES INDUSTRIAL GROWTH EFFECTS Growth of transportation New inventions Large supply of natural resources Cheap labor=immigrants INDUSTRIAL GROWTH (1870-1914) EFFECTS More goods available to consumers More economic opportunities Growth of cities (urbanization)