Religion Questions, Chapter 3
1. When we sin, we damage our relationship with _________________. GOD
2. What tree did the serpent ask Eve about? THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL
3. Eve ate the apple because she wanted to be _______________. LIKE GOD
Adam and Eve’s relationship was broken because of their _______________. DISOBEDIENCE
5. Who would suffer from pain and death because of Adam and Eve’s actions? EVERYONE
6. Whose offering pleased God? Abel’s
7. Who killed his brother? Cain
8. This term refers to a sacred promise between God and His people. covenant
9. Despite everything that people have done, God always shows us His _____________ (a word for loyalty) faithfulness
10. God destroyed creatures with a great flood because He was filled with ____________. grief
11. What did God create as a symbol of His covenant with His people after the flood? A rainbow
12. What sin did the people commit? pride
13, 14. Name two things that God did as a consequence of the people’s behavior. Gave them different languages Scattered them away from each other
15. Adam and Eve were the first to commit this sin: _______________ Original Sin
16. This term refers to our attraction or desire to sin. temptation
17. Time after time, what did people break? Their covenant with God
18. Who or what reveals God’s love for His people most perfectly? Jesus
19. Who is the “new Adam”? Jesus
20. Through His sacrifice, what did Jesus give us? Everlasting life
21. Name something that we can count on God for. (His ____) Loyalty, reliability, security, faithfulness, certainty
22. Name something else we can count on God for. (His _________) Loyalty, reliability, security, faithfulness, certainty
23. Saint Peter To Rot was a minister in ________. New Guinea (Papua)
24. The Japanese invaded and said that he could no longer practice _________. His faith; Catholicism; Christian worship
25. Because of his faithfulness, he was placed in _________, where he eventually died. prison