Welcome to the Lake Ridge National Honor Society! October 24, 2018
Please be sure you check in for ATTENDANCE with an officer at the front table! You will receive 1 service hour for your attendance today!
New OFFICERS!!! President: Aaron Libed Vice President: Kayla Moore Secretary: Christeen Nguyen Treasurer: Railyn Williams Parliamentarian: Ashley Chuong Historian: Hope Martin Advisor: Mrs. Dena Marlar
Membership Fees 2018-19 All members will pay $20 before December 14th Please bring a check or cash to room 214 before or after school Monday-Thursday Additional fees for graduation and banquet Will be announced later
Service Hours & Opportunities 15 per semester For Every member Outside of room 214 (NHS Headquarters) There is a spiral with all upcoming opportunities. Sign up in the spiral. 2 days before the event if it is on a school day, I will take down the opp. And turn in attendance to Mrs. Franklin. No late sign ups.
Service Cards Name Date # of Hours Teacher Signature If you do service hours, you must document them on a note card following this format.
Student Aides/Service Hours Where: Lake Ridge High School When: Whenever Teachers require assistance (may be before, during or after school) You will be helping teachers with whatever task they require of you. *May not be used for time required for any disciplinary actions.
After school Tutorials Sign up will be outside of Marlar’s room for the whole month. We need the 4 core subjects every Monday and Thursday from 3-4. We will meet in room 214. Starting Nov.5 After school Tutorials Service Hour Opportunity 1 hour per day
Induction Ceremony will be in January 2019. Details to come. New member invitations go out at the end of November.
NHS new T-shirt #1 #2 #3
Be sure you have checked in With The officers for attendance. Next Meeting January 8 Thanks for coming today. Be sure you have checked in With The officers for attendance.