If we are together nothing is impossible.


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Presentation transcript:

If we are together nothing is impossible. If we are divided we will fail. -Winston Churchill

Characteristics of a Team Player Cooperation is associating with others for a mutual benefit. Cooperative team members coordinate their efforts. They are willing to do what is necessary to complete a job and they accept responsibility for the team results.

How to Be a Team Player and Roles of Team Players Directions: Use the following video clips to identify the valuable team members. https://youtu.be/Va5Mqv-8kTw https://youtu.be/w9j3-ghRjBs

Making Group Decisions Majority Rule A democratic process in which decisions are made by voting. A disadvantage is that it creates winners and losers. Compromise A settlement of differences in which each side makes sacrifices. Consensus An agreement by the entire group, and everyone’s ideas are taken into account.

Let’s Do It! Objective- create the longest sentence. Directions: You will be given a writing prompt. Each person will then takes turns adding ONE word at a time to the sentence. The sentence must make sense and it must come to a logical ending. The paper and pencil must be passed from person to person as the word is added. You may not talk. You will have 60 seconds/1 minute to complete your sentence.

Let’s Discuss 1. How well did your team do when you couldn’t talk? 2. How easy was it to figure out which word to use next?

Let’s discuss 3. How much pressure did you feel when it was your turn? 4. Was your team able to create longer sentences when they could talk?

Let’s discuss 5. How much pressure did you feel when the group could talk? 6. Will more people in a group always make it easier to solve a problem? 7. How can different viewpoints/perspectives help solve a problem?