WRITING IN THIRD GRADE Materials: Exit Cards Ideas and Details Handout Homework: Choose 2 ideas and create 5-10 details for each.
Pick A Topic TOPIC T-CHARTS I feel strongly about my topic I have schema for my topic. My topic is interesting. I have personal experience with my topic.
What-Why-How Strategy Questions I answered: 1. What do I think about this topic? 2. Why do I think this about the topic? 3. How do I know? D-E-E Details, Explanation, Examples
WHAT’S NEXT???????
What is a detail?? Answer to a question the reader might have.
The reader will get frustrated and confused. Why do we need details? The reader will get frustrated and confused. The reader won’t know what the writer is trying to say… YOU NEED DETAILS!!!
GOOD IDEA-DETAILS Think about questions the reader might ask. Idea Pick something that needs more support to understand. Details What does your reader need to know to understand your idea? Detail: Dogs are so smart. Detail: Dogs can learn so many tricks. Explanation: You can use treats to teach dogs to shake their paw. Example: I taught my dog to jump through a hoop. I think dogs are better pets than cats.
GOOD IDEA-DETAILS Think about questions the reader might ask. Idea Pick something that needs more support to understand. Details What does your reader need to know to understand your idea?
GOOD IDEA-DETAILS Choose ideas from your topic that need more detail. Fill out the Idea-Detail Chart. REMEMBR!!! DETAILS, EXPLANATION, EXAMPLES!
FILL OUT AN CARD! Write your name. Write 3 things you learned in writing today. Write 2 things you want to learn more about. Write 1 question you still have.
Tips For Good Idea-Details Use your senses. Use your imagination.
Tips For Good Idea-Details Put down whatever details come to your mind. Ask your audience to help you!