The Colony of Rhode Island By: Alexa Shafer
Founding Year 1636 Founder Roger Williams Reason for colonization so the church and government could be separate Beliefs that the puritan leader should not be punished for beliefs that he went on trial
Important People Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams Founded the colony Church and government separate
Religion 1663 Charter for religion beliefs Quakers, Baptists, Jews, and Catholics
Geography & Climate Mountains, trees, rivers, and pour rocky soil Mild, short summers and long cold winters
Natural Resources Whales, fish , and timber Apples, cattle, corn, dairy products, and onions Farming and fishing
Interesting Facts Traded and fought with the Wampanoag The puritans planned on sending Roger Willams back to England
Questions Who was the founder of Rhode Island? Why was Rhode Island founded? What did the Puritans want to do?