Blue Ribbon Committee Summary Report LECC, AB, ELC AB, & Oaklandon
LECC Best condition out of all buildings toured Sidewalks and curbs need some repair Gym floor is slick for community basketball Areas currently in use were newly renovated Biggest need is to maintain the building to keep current level Drainage problems near old locker room
ELC AB Good condition overall Minor touch-ups on walls Repair on a few tiles in gang restrooms Biggest need is to maintain the building to keep current level Drainage problems outside door 3 by the playground
AB Good condition overall Exterior columns need to be scraped and painted Some furniture needs replaced in classrooms and library Laminate on the islands in classrooms needs to be replaced Minor touch-ups on wallpaper Sinks in gang restrooms need replaced
OE Good condition overall *Interior classroom doors need to be repaired or replaced *Stage area and curtain needs repaired Cabinets do not close properly in classrooms Cafeteria furniture needs to be replaced Additional student furniture to accommodate growth Some minor drainage problems by playground *Needs immediate attention
In Summary… Exterior areas of most buildings were in good condition All buildings were in good condition OE has greatest need of the 4 buildings we inspected