Marine Science 20 February 2019
Announcements Deficiency notices are due by this afternoon Assignments handed in by computer are graded first Yes, I am still grading/inserting paper assignments so they will be in the system by the end of the day If you need a retake, a discussion reopened, etc., please say something so I can give it to you now and try to get it in the system before I turn in deficiencies
Vocabulary Taxonomy Porifera Ostia/osculum Porocyte cell Choanocyte cell Amoebocyte cell
Taxonomy This is the classification of all living things (agreed upon by the scientific community) There are seven different levels in taxonomy, each more specific than the one before: Kingdom Animal, Plant, Protista, Fungi and Monera Phylum Cnidaria, Cordates Class Mammals, reptiles, fish Order Family Genus Species most-specific of the classifications
Taxonomy Example
Sponges While these creatures are incapable of movement and lack a central nervous system, they have two main similarities to humans: They have specialized cells to carry out different functions They are omnivorous Their classification is Porifera Literally translates to “pore-bearer”
Sponges Ostia: The actual pores/holes on the surface of the sponge Porocytes: These are the individual cells that make up the pores of the sponge