Sociocultural factors affecting health status


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Presentation transcript:

Sociocultural factors affecting health status

Housing Jaye and Kate Considering young people spend much time at home, the environment in which they live can have a considerable influence on their health status from many different aspects, some including… Indoor air pollution Dust, tobacco smoke can cause asthma and other respiratory conditions. May reduce individuals capacity for physical activity This can essentially lead to increased rates od depression and obesity 2. Kitchen facilities – Specific nutrients are required during youth, need the correct appliances to create nutritious meals to keep a happy and healthy diet 3. Overcrowding Can lead to increase mental health issues Can place strain on bathroom, kitchen and laundry facilities

Drinking water quality - Whether or not an individual has access to fluoridated water - Housing safety – unsafe housing environment can lead to preventable accidents= Household location safe suburb, having plenty of activities to improve you physical health and well being, being near schools/ places to work to improve social health and well being and having facilities such as doctors/ hospitals or therapists to improve mental health and well being


SINCE 1990, THE RATES OF YOUNG PEOLE IN FULL TIME WORK WERE THREE TIMES HIGHER THAN THOSE IN PART TIME WORK. TODAY 45% OF PEOPLE aged 15-24 are involved in part time work, and 43% involved in full time work. The major decrease of people aged 15-24 working full time is because more young people staying at school to complete year 12, and increase number of younger people undertaking further studies after high school.

Employment allows the individual to earn their own income and gain new future skills they can use when finding full time work. The working conditions have improved due to new occupational health and safety laws put in place to ensure that workers have a safe environment to work in.

How does it impact on health status ? Many young people work in fast food outlets or commercial kitchens. Many risks are included in part of these jobs. Risks include burns from hot water, deep fryers, ovens and other appliances. Falls and injuries and cuts from sharp objects. These risks effect ones physical health and ability to conduct everyday activities, and increase the rate of hospitalization due to injuries. Working at these places improves social health and well being by improving communication skills.

Family & access to education Sociocultural factors

Education Young people spend a large portion of their time being educated. Going to education institutions such as schools, TAFE and universities young people can increase their knowledge and skills and prepare them for life in the future. The type and style of education that a person has access to can heavily affect their health and wellbeing. Education is also linked with having a higher health status than those who are not well educated do. Education creates awareness surrounding healthy and unhealthy habits and also helps young people create strong relationships with a variety of people.

Education - examples A key example of how education can affect a person's health is the awareness that they gain. Schooling institutions can educate young people on healthy eating and exercising habits in order to improve their physical health and wellbeing. By attending school young people can form friendships with not only people their own age but with people older than them (teachers) as well. This would greatly improve their social health and wellbeing. It has been reported that people with higher levels of education almost always have better mental and physical health and wellbeing than those with lower levels of education.

Family Provides a place where children are raised. Families are the main providers for resources such as shelter, food, clothing, emotional support and educational opportunities. The ultimate family environment would be a place that features strong relationships, good communication, strong parenting skills. Conflicts and stress that can be caused by divorce and split families can have a negative effect on a young person’s health. When young people have an unsettled family home, that doesn’t have strong parental characters they might be more inclined to get involved in unhealthy activities such as using illicit drugs. Not all family changes result in negative effects as they can cause an increase in determination, resilience, and inner strength.

Family - examples Affects mental health & wellbeing: family can be the biggest support system, if your relationships are not solid, it can affect one mentally as there is no one to fall back on in a time of need. A young person's involvement in physical activity is heavily affected by your family and your upbringings. Your diet is heavily influenced by your family at young age as you eat what your family eats.

What is it? Financial aspect of health and well being, important factor in determining healthy behaviors and young peoples health status. Family/ parental income – determines where the young person grew up, the school which the student learnt at. This is important because it has the most influence over the money available over young people. This involves: food, education, transport, healthcare, as well as recreation, dining out, music lessons, and an internet connection. These essentials can assist people in maintaining a healthy body weight, and staying socially connected, ad assessing healthcare, which are all necessities as a young learner. Income

Positive and negative impacts of income Above average income: Access to recreational activities – gym, courts, social events, pools, sporting clubs and facilities. Essentials – food, clothing, well maintained household, education, transport, healthcare. Lower average income: high poverty neighborhoods – low quality public and private services, more crime, street violence, greater exposure to negative peer influences. (community centers, schools, healthcare providers, support services), drugs and alcohol exposure. Diet – not maintaining a helahty diet, and not enough necessary nutrients. Living standards – unclean household, small area to live in. Positive and negative impacts of income


What is it? Education is schools, colleges, TAFE and university. The opportunity to gain knowledge and skills and be prepared to enter the workforce or everyday life. Educational institutions can help develop our relationships with others and improve our sense of health and wellbeing.

Impacts If we have a higher level of education we have more knowledge about health risks and how to live a healthy life Lower levels of education would put us in lower paid jobs and there for would not be able to afford healthy or nutritious food or recreational activities. Not having high levels of education would mean not having the awareness of our health and wellbeing.