Informational Writing Week 2
What is an annotated timeline? An annotated timeline not only gives facts and events but also allows you to add your thoughts about events.
Annotated Timeline On the top side of the timeline record the facts and dates. On the bottom side, jot down notes about your feelings/thoughts/ideas about the event.
Annotated Timeline Put the following events on a timeline: Confederation was formed Feb 9, 1861 Battle of Bull Run July 1861 April 1861 Attack on Ft Sumter Lincoln Inaugurated March 1861 _____________________________________
Annotated Timeline Once you have all of your dates and events on your top side of the timeline, read more about each event here! Then add your thoughts or feelings about each event to the bottom side of the timeline. _____________________________________
Annotated Timeline As you continue to do research for your paper, you can add to this timeline.