Writing a Thesis Statement
Subject + Opinion = Thesis statement
The higher level topic of your case (race, gender, class, etc.) “Subject” The higher level topic of your case (race, gender, class, etc.)
“OPINIONS” your thoughts about how race, gender class, etc. affected the outcome of your case.
Putting it Together Using all of the elements in the word equation, write a thesis statement illustrating your opinion about what role “race” played in the outcome of your case.
Example Thesis Statement Subject: Dred Scott v Sanford (race) + Opinion: meaningful, crucial = Thesis Statement
Examples Thesis Statement: In the case Dred Scott v Sanford (1857), the U.S. Supreme Court makes a meaningful and crucial statement with the verdict that all black people classify as property.
On your own Where do you go from here? Decide on and write down the subject. What is your opinion of the case you selected? If the idea/opinion is too difficult or uninteresting to you, you still have to choose an opinion. Now write your sentence.