What is it? How do I do it? And WHY do I do it? Scantron!!!!!! What is it? How do I do it? And WHY do I do it?
What is Scantron? Scantron Performance Series Assessment is an adaptive, multiple choice, online test that gives your teachers and parents an idea of where you are in your academic progress. You will take it on Sept. 4th & 5th, and again in May. The results are used to find out where you are in your learning now, and later to measure your academic growth over the 2012-13 school year.
Why do I have to take it? You need to take the test if you are a 3rd through 10th Grader It gives you, your parents, and your teachers an idea of where you are academically AND we can see what areas to focus on to improve It’s provides practice for Standardized Tests, OGT, college entrance exams and others you may be required to take Reports will provide you, your parents, and your teachers with important information about your achievement and abilities.
Where do I go to take it?
Before Logging In you should: First: Clear your Internet Browsing History (Your Cache) and Turn off Pop Up Blockers . Click on Tools and Internet options and follow the instructions included with your parent letter)
Then Go to www.edperformance .com Enter Site ID number below EXACTLY as shown (Yes- you need the dashes…)
Getting Started… Choose Math or Reading to start
Logging In, Cont. Enter Your Student ID number. If you don’t know it, contact your HOMEROOM TEACHER, Advisor OR refer to the KMAIL (parent letter) that was sent to you.
Logging In, Cont. Finally: Confirm your identity The Next page will show you instructions for the test. Read them and then click “Begin Test.”
Directions for taking the test Read each question, choose an answer and click Next. You can click STOP to take a short break at any time. When you finish the questions, the test will let you know that you are done. Click OK. You don’t have to do anything else, just log out.
Directions for taking the test Before beginning another test you should clear your cache again, restart your computer, and repeat the same process for the Math Test! Caution: If you rush through or guess, the system will “SPOIL” your test and you’ll have to start over. It may spoil even after you have answered several questions if you do not read all of the questions and answers first.(Message on screen will read “Contact your teacher”) Take your time and do your best. Tests take approximately 1 hour.
Good Luck!