Trigonometry The study of the relationship between the angles and sides of right triangles!
The great Hawaiian deity SohCahToa will help you in remembering the relationships between the angles and sides in a right triangle. To better understand this we will look at the figures in the next slide:
Basic Terminology B The capital letters are used to label the points of the triangle! c a The lower case letters are used to label the sides of the triangle! A C b a and b are called the ‘legs’ of the triangle. c is called the ‘hypotenuse’ of the triangle. The hypotenuse is always the side opposite of the right angle!!!
Below are the basic trigonometry functions(relationships) The Trig Functions! Below are the basic trigonometry functions(relationships)
The Trig Functions! B c a A C b
Practice!!! B 5 3 A C 4
How do you remember these? S o h C a h T o a i n e p o s i t e y p o t e n u s o s i n e d j a c e n t y p o t e n u s a n g e t p o s i t e d j a c e n t