Current Event Video You will create a 1 minute video over a Current Event of your choice. Please follow both Assignment 1 & 2 Rubrics attached. You will be assigned a day to check out a camera starting Wednesday March 25th. You will have 1 day to complete your video and upload it to the computer (BE PREPARED!) The remainder of the time you will need to complete the editing portion of your video and Airdrop it to Lindsay Franklin.
Due Tuesday March 24th- Test Grade Current Event Script Due Tuesday March 24th- Test Grade Create on Google Docs, Title- Current Event Script, Share with Lindsay Franklin Requirements: Written Script with Dialog 25pts Correct Grammar 20pts 5 W’s of your Current Event 20pts Title of your Current Event 5 pts Works Cited Page 30 pts
Current Event Video- iMovie Due Tuesday April 7th- Daily Grade Opener to video 15pts Audio fade in and out (correctly places including music) 10pts Smooth footage (not shaky) 15pts Transitions for video (opening, between clips and ending) 10pts Good Story line ( cover the entire Current Event) 30pts Creativity 10pts Meet the deadline 10pts
iMovie Tutorial