30-15-10 List Meaning: Prefix Meaning Mis Wrong Mono Alone, single, one Non not Ob In front of, against Omni Everywhere, all Examples: mistake misunderstand Prefix: Mis Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue
Meaning: Meaning: Examples: nonsense nonissue Examples: Monotone Monopoly Prefix: Mono Prefix: Non Class Examples: Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue Visual/Memory Clue
Meaning: Meaning: Examples: Omnipresent Omniscient Examples: Obvious Obtrude Prefix: Ob Prefix: Omni Class Examples: Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue Visual/Memory Clue
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Term Function Claim Arguable assertions Conclusion whose merit we are seeking to establish Support (evidence) First hand or second hand “proof” Warrant (assumption) Expresses the assumption shared by the speaker and the audience Links the claim to the evidence Similar to the minor premise Backing Further assurances or data Without, the assumption lacks authority Qualifier “tempers” the claim; makes it less absolute EX: usually, maybe, probably, most likely… Reservation Explains the terms and conditions necessitated by the qualifier
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Evidence Claim Assumption Qualifier Reservation Backing Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Evidence: (it is raining) Claim (I should take my umbrella) Qualifier (probably) Reservation (unless it has a hole in it) Assumption (an umbrella will keep me dry) Backing (the material is waterproof) Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Think-Pair-Share Evidence Claim Assumption Qualifier Reservation Backing Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Think-Pair-Share 1) Grades should be abolished because they add stress to the learning experience. Identify the assumption that would link the claim to its support. Use the format: Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Think-Pair-Share 2) Until you buy me a diamond, I won’t know that you love me! Identify the assumption that would link the claim to its support. Use the format: Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Think-Pair-Share 3) If we want to decrease gang violence, we should legalize drugs. Identify the assumption that would link the claim to its support. Use the format: Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Think-Pair-Share 4) You must obey her because she is your mother. Identify the assumption that would link the claim to its support. Use the format: Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
The Toulmin Model: 6 Elements Think-Pair-Share 5) Wifi should be available to everyone without cost since the Internet has become a vital part of our lives. Identify the assumption that would link the claim to its support. Use the format: Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
What topic does the visual address or raise What topic does the visual address or raise? Does the visual make a claim about the topic? Does the text tell or suggest a narrative or a story? If so, what is the point? What emotions does the visual text evoke? How do color or light and shadow contribute to evoking emotion? Are the figures realistic, caricatures, distorted? What is the effect? Are any of images visual allusions that would evoke emotions or memories in viewers? What cultural values are viewers likely to bring to the image? What claim does the visual make about the issue(s) it addresses? www.polyp.org.uk; first appeared in Ethical Consumer magazine Where did the visual first appear? Who is the audience? Who is the speaker? Does this person have political or organizational affiliations that are important to understand the text? What do you notice first? Where is your eye drawn? What is your overall first impression?
“The Steerage” 1907 Alfred Stieglitz What is steerage? Who (what class) is aboard ship on the deck? Where is your eye drawn to first with this photograph? Why? What do you make of the symbolic nature of the empty gangway? What does this picture say about separation? Segregation? What story is the photo telling? What similarities and differences do you notice among the two groups? Why do you think the photographer chose to take the picture while the gangway was empty? Why do you suppose we see the group in the top more straight on, face-to-face, while the people in the lower level in many instances have their backs to us? What mood does this moment frozen in time suggest? How does the evocation of mood ass to the pathos of this scene? What claim-or claims-does Stieglitz make through this visual image?