Kitchen basics What's my temp? Safe Food FATTOM? 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
The first in first out rule Method of stock rotation or Using older food supplies first The first in first out rule Refers to: Row 1, Col 1
What is the minimum internal Cooking temperature for chicken? 165 degrees for 15 seconds What is the minimum internal Cooking temperature for chicken? 1,2
The most desirable material for surfaces in a commercial Stainless Steel The most desirable material for surfaces in a commercial Kitchen/lab is _________: 1,3
What is the purpose of FATTOM? To decrease pathogen/bacterial growth What is the purpose of FATTOM? 1,4
The first and safest of the 4 ways Slowly under refrigeration The first and safest of the 4 ways to thaw Frozen food is: 2,1
When using the 3rd sink water to Sanitize objects, the item should 30 seconds When using the 3rd sink water to Sanitize objects, the item should be immersed for at least ____________? 2,2
Critical Control Point-points where an specific action can be taken to reduce, eliminate or minimize a hazard What is a CCP? 2,3
Name 4 potentially hazardous Cut melons, tomatoes, baked potatoes, meat, poultry, dairy, tofu, eggs, untreated garlic and oil mixtures, cooked rice and beans Name 4 potentially hazardous or TCS foods: 2,4
What does FATTOM refer to? 6 conditions bacteria needs to grow What does FATTOM refer to? 3,1
Ideal dry storage temperatures Should range from ____℉ to 50-70 degrees Ideal dry storage temperatures Should range from ____℉ to ______℉? 3,2
After cleaning, you should refill Food storage shelves using the FIFO After cleaning, you should refill Food storage shelves using the __________ system: 3,3
How long can food remain in No more than 4 hours How long can food remain in the TDZ: 3,4
responsible for causing the most foodborne illnesses: Bacteria This microorganism is responsible for causing the most foodborne illnesses: 4,1
What is the minimum internal Cooking temperature for pork? 155 degrees What is the minimum internal Cooking temperature for pork? 4,2
What is the difference between Being “clean”and being Clean is free of visible dirt, sanitized is free of bacteria What is the difference between Being “clean”and being “sanitized”: 4,3
Describe the temperature and time Process for cooling foods (2-stage 135 degrees to 70 degrees in 2 hours then 70 degrees to 41 degrees in an additional 4 hours for a total of 6 hours of cooling time Describe the temperature and time Process for cooling foods (2-stage Cooling Process)? 4,4
What is the difference between a Chemical and Physical hazard? Chemical=cleaning products, Physical=broken glass or jewelry What is the difference between a Chemical and Physical hazard? 5,1
The minimum internal cooking 145 degrees The minimum internal cooking Temperature of fish is ________℉? 5,2
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point- specific points through a food’s flow where specific action can be taken to prevent, eliminate, or reduce a food safety hazard What is HACCP? 5,3
What is cross-contamination The transfer of bacteria from one food or surface to another. Occurs when mishandling food and food products. What is cross-contamination and how can it occur? 5,4