Semi-Automatic Data-Driven Ontology Construction System Blaz Fortuna, Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenic Jozef Stefan Institute
Main features of OntoGen Semi-Automatic Text-mining methods provide suggestions and insights into the domain The user can interact with parameters of text-mining methods All the final decisions are taken by the user Data-Driven Most of the aid provided by the system is based on some underlying data provided by the system Instances are described by features extracted from the data (e.g. bag-of-words vectors)
OntoGen v1.0 Designed for construction of topic ontologies Clustering algorithms used for topic suggestion Keyword extractions methods help the user to name the concept Interactive user interface
OntoGen v2.0 Improved user interface New features: Based on the feedback from users New features: Active Learning Learning new concepts based on user queries and user classification of carefully selected documents Simultaneous Ontologies Optimization of similarity measure based on provided document categories Concept’s Instances Visualization Integration of Document Atlas visualization Ontology Population Interactive classification of new instances into ontology
Sub-Concept suggestion Concept hierarchy Sub-Concept suggestion Ontology visualization
Concept’s documents management Concept hierarchy Concept’s documents management Selected concept’s details
Active Learning SVM hyperplane distance based active learning algorithm First few labelled documents are bootstrapped using user query and nearest-neighbour search In each step the unlabeled document closest to the hyperplane is chosen for user classification
New Concept
Simultaneous Ontologies Data: Reuters news articles Each news is assigned two different sets of categories: Topics Countries Each set of categories offers a different view on the data Topics view Countries view Documents
Concept’s Instances Visualization
Ontology Population One vs. All linear SVM used classification Interactive user interface where user can finalize the classifications
Classification of the selected document New documents Classification of the selected document Selected document