End of Unit 2 Assessment, Part One: First Draft of Analysis Essay
Drafting the Essay Please look at the End of Unit 2 assessment prompt You have had a lot of time over the past few lessons to think, talk, and take notes about what you want to write. Today your job is to do your best full draft on your own. Today is about pulling the information together in clear and coherent paragraphs. You will then get feedback from your peers and have a chance to revise. Please take out your planning materials (these are what you should have): * Inside Out & Back Again * Planning Your Essay graphic organizer (completed) * four Forming Evidence-Based Claims graphic organizers * Structured notes * Model essay * “Refugees: Who, Where, Why” * “Refugee Children in Canada” * Who Is Ha? small group anchor charts * Inside Out anchor chart * Back Again anchor chart Refer to the Citing Books and Articles anchor chart – you must cite sources in your essay correctly and to create a Works Cited list at the end of your essay.
Prompt Consider the meaning of the novel’s title, Inside Out & Back Again. How does this title relate to the universal refugee experience of fleeing and finding home, and in what ways is Ha’s experience a specific example of this universal experience?