Yr 11 – Product Design Exam Technique
Lesson 2 – Batch Production Question L.O. – To understand the best way to answer batch production questions in Product Design exam papers. Design task Justification of materials / processes Description of manufacturing process Health and safety
Batch Production Batch production products are identical and made at the same time in either large or small numbers. Once a set number have been made another similar product can be made using the same equipment. Manufacturing aids (jigs and formers) are used. Chairs, magazines, books and small electrical products are usually batch produced.
Production Lines The example production line (shown below) is that of an engineering company, manufacturing small steel products such as hinges and locks. They manufacture batches of five hundred at a time. The workers are unskilled and semi skilled. As each task is completed the item being manufactured is passed down the production line to the next worker, until it is complete.
STAGES IN THE MAKING OF A SHELF Jigs STAGES IN THE MAKING OF A SHELF STAGE ONE: The position of the fold is marked with a china-graph pencil. With this type of pencil line can be removed easily later. STAGE TWO: The plastic is placed across the rests, above the heating element STAGE THREE: The strip heater is turned on and the plastic is turned over every 30 seconds - one minute. This stops the heat rising from the element damaging the surface of the plastic. STAGE FOUR: When the plastic becomes flexible it is placed in a ‘jig’. The jig is made to the correct angle, 90 degrees in this case. A square section block is then pressed against the plastic to hold it in position as it cools.
Moulds & Formers Vacuum forming is a technique that is used to shape a variety of plastics. In school it is used to form/shape thin plastic, usually plastics such as; HIPS and polythene. Vacuum forming is used when a shape like a ‘dish’ or a box-like shape is needed.
Templates When a product is manufactured, inevitably there is some waste. This is usually in the form of excess material. Good design and planning should lead to this waste being kept to the absolute minimum. For example, the unusual looking DVD holder seen opposite. The sides are manufactured from PINE, with dowel rod joining both. STAGE ONE: An aluminium template is used to draw round the shape. It can be used many times to help produce a high number of sides, depending on the number of DVD storage units being manufactured. The holes to be drilled later are also marked out using the template. STAGE TWO: The shape is cut by hand using a fretsaw. This allows accurate cutting and shaping.