Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt. 4/18 Write #1 What do you think of driverless or robot cars? Write ½ page – 5 minutes Write #1: 3 minutes Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.
Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt. Goals Explore an issue to make a claim Identify and rank evidence Write/draft based on evidence Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.
Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt. Reading #1 Gather Evidence [images and words] as you read. Images Words Poster of Conference Title: International CES “took my breath away” Ford CEO: Expect Driverless Cars Within Five Years Total Reading Time—approximately 4 minutes with commercial and teacher modeling. Focus for Reading #1: Multi-draft reading—1] Read for gist or basic points in the interview; 2] read to collect key evidence. Teacher Model: how to collect evidence with a t-chart [images and words] Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.
Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt. Write #2 – ½ page – 5 minutes Now what do you think of driverless or robot cars? Use evidence from the text to support and explain your thinking. Form a claim to state your current view. Write #2: 4 minutes Push to explore the evidence and arrive at a claim that expresses your current view of autonomous or robot cars. Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.
Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt. Reading #2 Read, annotate, and rank evidence in the text. Read & code important evidence. Focus for Reading #2: Total Writing Time 4-5 minutes Additional time for with teacher model if students do not already code texts. Read: Gather evidence being open to new information and/or thinking. Code: Circle key evidence that seems most relevant and grabs your interest. In the margin, write a word or phrase that states the key point in the evidence. Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.
Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt. Write #3 – ½ page – 5 mins Now what do you think of driverless or robot cars? Use evidence from the text to support and explain your thinking. Form a claim to state your current view. Write #3: 4 minutes Push to explore the evidence and arrive at a claim that expresses your current view of autonomous or robot cars. Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.
Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt. Reading #3 Gather Evidence [images and words] as you read. Images Words Driverless cars could let you sleep Total Reading Time—approximately 6 minutes with commercial Focus for Reading #3: Multi-draft reading—1] Read for gist or basic points in the interview; 2] read to collect key evidence. Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.
Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt. Write #4 – ½ page – 5 mins Now what do you think of driverless or robot cars? Use evidence from the text to support and explain your thinking. Form a claim to state your current view. Write #2: 4 minutes Push to explore the new and conflicting evidence and arrive at a claim that expresses your current view of autonomous or robot cars. Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.
Prepare to Talk with a Partner Sharing and Comparing Prepare to Talk with a Partner Partner Conversation Reread your writing. How has your thinking changed? What evidence seems to be the most relevant to support your thinking and claim now. What evidence do you question and/or disagree with? What is your current claim? What is your current claim? What evidence seems most relevant? What evidence seems limited? Explain why. How did the reading and writing series impact your view of the issue? Paired Conversation Time: 11 minutes Preparation for 3 minute statement of claim and evidence: 3 minutes Paired conversation: 8 minutes total—3 minutes for each partner to state and support their claim; 2 minutes to compare thinking Other options. Pairs read the final write to each other and discuss their different views Whole class report out on the range of current claims and thinking on robot cars Whole class report out on how their views on robot cars changed during the lesson and what evidence cause the changes. Line of Reasoning was developed by Linda Denstaedt.