A Note from the Teachers Mrs. Falk and Ms. Dueck’s Class News October 2014 A Note from the Teachers A whole month has passed already! We are continuing to learn routines and put them into practice. Students are coming to school ready to learn! If you have questions or concerns about anything at school, please call or email so we can help answer questions or solve problems. Home Reading Homework reminder This week we started home reading. I hope that your child has come home excited to read. Each week your child will create a goal of how many times they will read that week with some guidance from Mrs. Falk. At the beginning of the next week, if they have met their goal then they will receive a reading coupon. Students can save these coupons and trade them in for prizes. A list of prizes are posted in our classroom and on the class website. If students to not meet their goal for the week they will not receive their coupon for that week but can try again the next week. Thank You, Miss Parker
Class News Mrs. Falk and Ms. Dueck’s September 2014 Picture Day Picture day is Monday, October 6th. Unfortunately, Mrs. Falk will be away that day at a 3 day in service. Therefore, our class picture will be taken on retake day- November 12th. Dates to remember Oct 6 -Picture day Oct. 13- No School Oct 24- No School