September 25th – October 5th: Important Dates: August 28th – 31st: Spirit Week September 1st: Terrific Tiger Luncheon September 4th: Labor Day (No School) September 13th-15th: Parent Teacher Conferences (Half-day Dismissal at 11:45) September 21st: Parent Coffee September 25th – October 5th: Benchmark Testing October 6th: End of Quarter/Grading Day End of Quarter 1 October 9th-13th: Fall Break October 16th: 2nd Quarter Begins November 10th: Veteran’s Day 5th Grade News! Teacher: Mrs. Dwivedi Website: This Week: August 28th to September 1st Important: Thank you to all parents and families who were able to attend our Open House! We will elect one student as the “Tiger of the Month” to be celebrated this Friday. Also, this week is Spirit Week: Monday – Blue and Gold day Tuesday – Twin Day Wednesday – Superhero Day Thursday – Crazy Hair Day Friday – Mismatch Day Thank you for checking out our Friday folders. This is just one more way to keep in contact with me and be aware of your child’s progress each week. A thumb’s up stamp was used to show a student’s success in one or more areas. Vocabulary Words: continent sleeve eagle desirable notable tolerable religion tradition ceremony customary This week in the classroom: Reading: comparing characters, perspective Writing: narrative Math: place value, multiplying/dividing by tens Science: Solar system: Exploring the Planets Social Studies: U.S. colonization Behavior: Tiger Expectations: Be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible