What questions should we ask? Analyzing an Essay What questions should we ask?
Thesis What do you think the author’s main point is? What does the author want to communicate? Implicit (not stated) Explicit (stated in a sentence)
Purpose Why did the author write this? For what reason? Typical reasons include: To entertain To explain To persuade
Writing Strategy (choices an author makes) Intended Audience Method (how are the ideas developed) Evidence (what kinds of support?) Structure (how is it organized?)
Language (Next level of reading) Tone (no different than tone in speaking – “don’t talk to me with that tone” – think of emotion words Word Choice – Diction This impacts tone sometimes. Remember too that words have a denotative meaning (dictionary), but more importantly sometimes, they carry connotations (associations – both positive and negative) Imagery – appeals to senses; look for figurative language (even in non-fiction)
Words to Own (Useful Terms) Analyze, analysis Connotation, Denotation Purpose Thesis Tone Add these to your list of literary terms. Definitions can be found in the back of your text. You will be tested on these eventually.