Reading and Roots #3
Happy Monday! INDEPENDENT READING BOOK Make sure to have your INDEPENDENT READING BOOK in the room with you. Find your seat and have out… INDEPENDENT READING BOOK Notebook Pen/ pencil Happy Monday! You need your book. If you forget it, you will need to use a pass to retrieve it from your locker.
Roots and Reading Notes section: Record all roots and list as many words as you know with that root. Discuss: Turn and talk to those around you– based on your lists, what do you think this root means. VOCABULARY section: RECORD root/ meaning/ origin/ examples Independent Reading: Find THREE (3) words in your reading which are NEW TO YOU, are NOT NEW, but you want to use more, OR use the previously studied WORD PARTS. Define: Use your resources to define your words. Share with the class: Each student is required to share at least once each six weeks.
NOTES SECTION: sign path fin cert corp mem civ In your notebook, record the word parts for this week: sign path fin cert corp mem civ NOTES SECTION: list all the words you can think of which contain these word parts.
In your small group… “I think ______ means _______ because…” sign path Read through each list and make an INFERENCE about what each root might mean. “I think ______ means _______ because…” sign path fin cert corp mem civ
In your VOCABULARY section- Create the following chart- Be sure you give yourself room to record information. Word Part Meaning Origin Example(s) sign path fin cert corp mem civ 8 4
feeling, suffering, disease Word Part Meaning Origin Example(s) sign path fin cert corp mem civ mark L signature, sign, assign, design feeling, suffering, disease G pathogen, pathetic, sympathy, end finale, finally, unfinished L sure, to trust L uncertain, certified body L corpses, incorporate memorize, remember, commemorate L mindful, recall citizen L civic, civilian, uncivilized
Using our knowledge… As you read… look for words which are new to you. Word parts help us uncover the meaning of words which are new to us, so… As you read… look for words which are new to you. Your SSR goal: Record 3 words which… Are new to you and you find interesting Contain any studied word parts You have seen/ learned before and would like to incorporate into your vocabulary
Are new to you and you find interesting Contain any studied word parts Your SSR goal: Record 3 words which… Are new to you and you find interesting Contain any studied word parts You have seen/ learned before and would like to incorporate into your vocabulary viv/ vit chron hydro init logy, ology min agon fac, fec, fic, fit, fy scrib, script uni, mono, sol therm onym, onom, nym sign path fin cert corp mem civ
Use the context and/ or word parts to INFER the meaning of your listed words. Double-check the word’s meaning with the dictionary. If you can’t understand the definition, ask for teacher or peer help. Share at least ONE word each six weeks! Learn your words!
Announcements! Progress Check #3 due NEXT CLASS Tuesday/ Wednesday 2/3 through your book Must be DONE next week! Be sure to pick up and complete ALL absent work (and hand in) Narrative (rough) Drafts must be ready for class tomorrow. Have a great day. I’m glad I’m your teacher. Announcements!