Byzantine Art
Byzantine Refers to the eastern branch of the Roman empire which existed from the founding of the Constantinople by the emperor in 330 A.D. to its conquest by the Turks in 1453.
Byzantine Art the artistic products of the Byzantine Empire from about the 4th century until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.
Hagia Sophia Location: Istanbul (historically Constantinople) Turkey Designer: Isidore of Miletus Anthemius of Tralles Type: Currently a Museum, formerly an Imperial Mosque (1453-1931) and Roman Catholic Cathedral(1204-1261); originally constructed as an Eastern Orthodox Cathedral(562-1204, 1261-1453).
Hagia Sophia: (Church of the Holy Wisdom) Interior view of Hagia Sophia
The Annunciation
Our Lady of Perpetual Help A byzantine icon.
Remember: Byzantine Architecture- the byzantine church combines the Christian basilica with the domed octagon. The dome symbolized authority and the kingdom of God.