Translating Relative Pronouns Lesson 36
The Relative Pronoun Relative clauses begin with a relative pronoun and end (usually) with a verb. The woman who rules Britain is Queen Elizabeth. The boy whose bike I stole is pressing charges. Have you seen the girl to whom I gave the books? The girl whom I visited was my cousin. The land from which our parents came was beautiful.
The Relative Pronoun (also the Interrogative Adjective) quī, quae, quod - who, which, that M. F. N. quī cuius cui quem quō quōrum quibus quōs quae cuius cui quam quā quārum quibus quās quod cuius cui quō quae quōrum quibus Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl. Sg. Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl. Pl.
WHO vs. WHOM in English “Who” is used as a subject of a relative clause The boy who lives next door is cute. “Who lives next door” “Whom” is used as a direct object of a relative clause The boy whom I like lives next door. “I like whom”
Who vs. Whom in English The person ________ is texting me right now has no idea I’m in school and must focus on this challenging lesson. ;-) The people ___________ I most admire are my parents. My friend, ________ you see in this picture, lives in Texas. WHO WHOM WHOM
This is the woman who began the war. The Relative Pronoun This is the woman quae bellum incepit. who This is the woman who began the war.