Student Leader: Kaelin Bell Ringer 10/26/2016 1. Describe Folk Culture and give an example. 2. What are taboos? Give an example? Student Leader: Kaelin To NOT lose your points, within 23 seconds after the bell you should: Be SITTING in your assigned seat Silent Have your pink bell ringer sheet OUT Be COMPLETING your bell ringer FOR EXTRA CREDIT Be prepared to comment
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SWBAT… Describe folk culture. Analyze how different cultures and taboos shape worldview and at times promote ethnocentrism
Bonus: Loux Lecture (If we have time) Our Plan… Bonus: Loux Lecture (If we have time) Discuss / Collect WWW Discuss Dominant Culture / Taboos TED Talk Dialogue Assignment This class is the best! I can’t wait for this dialogue!
Weekly World Watch
What would you consider to be the “dominant” culture at this school? The United States? TED Talk
Culture Greetings Activity
What do you think the point of this assignment was? What do you think you were supposed to learn? How can we apply this to real life?