General Service Opportunities @iacampuscompact General Service Opportunities General Service Opportunities are capacity building services provided by members for community partners. For more information on capacity building activities please visit the capacity building section on the ICAP website.. Description Hours Duration Intensity Members will serve one minimum time term for the academic year. 300 36 Weeks 9 hrs/wk Members will serve one minimum time position over the course of one year. 52 Weeks 6 hrs/wk Members will serve one quarter time position over the course off one year. 450 Intensive Service Opportunities Intensive service opportunities are capacity building activities that members typically do and are described in the General Activities section on the ICAP website. Members serving in this capacity generally serve the majority of their hours at one service site completing one service project. Description Hours Duration Intensity Members will serve one quarter time position until the end of the semester 450 18 Weeks 25 hrs/wk Members will serve one quarter time positon for the academic year. 36 Weeks 13 hrs/wk Members will serve one minimum time position until the end of the semester with the opportunity to re-enroll into another position. 300 18 weeks 17 hrs/wk