Take out your Do Now sheet and label the dates 3/14-3/18 Do Now for Monday, March 14 Take out your Do Now sheet and label the dates 3/14-3/18 Then answer this: Could a dictator control the Olympics? Explain your yes or now answer.
Do Now for Tuesday, March 15 Answer: 1. How many races did Jesse Owens win? 2. Who was the dictator of Germany at the 1936 Olympics? 3. Who was the President of the US in 1936?
Do Now for HUMPday, March 16 Answer: CISM vocab – what do these words mean? 1) Aryan 2) Propaganda 3) sharecropper 4) Anti-Semitic 5) Swastika
Do Now for Thursday, March 17 Write one thing about Jesse Owens you thought was impressive and then tell why you thought it was impressive.
Do Now for TGIFday, March 18 Name the two dictators who came into power in Russia after the execution of the Russian King.
What country was he dictator of? Who was Stalin? Do Now for Monday, March 28 Answer: Who was Hitler? What country was he dictator of? Who was Stalin?
Do Now for Tuesday, March 29 Answer: Who is Der Fuhrer? What is the name of the book he wrote that sets out his ideology for Germany.
Do Now for HUMPday, March 30 Answer: Explain the core belief of Nazi Ideology.
Do Now for TGIFday, April 1 Answer: Who is Bruno? Why did his family have to move? Who are the “farmers?”
What was Hitler’s Ideology? Do Now for Monday, April 4 Refresh (answer): What was Hitler’s Ideology?
Do Now for Tuesday, April 5 Answer: Were the Jews the only victims of Hitler’s ideology? List two other groups he considered “undesirable.”
Do Now for HUMPday, April 6 IT’S TEST DAY!!! Take out your study guide and STUDY – for real! – you have 5 minutes.