April 18-22
April 18, 2016 Agenda: Bellwork, Propaganda Notes, Poster Project Directions: Pick up a packet on the back table, assemble into your assigned group, answer the bellwork under Part I. Tomorrow: Complete propaganda poster in groups.
April 19, 2016 Agenda: Propaganda Poster Project Directions: Assemble into your groups from yesterday, complete the assignment by the end of class. If you work is not finish, appoint group members to complete the work at home tonight for presentations tomorrow. Tomorrow: Presentations and the completion of Part III of your project.
April 20, 2016 Agenda: Propaganda Poster Presentations Directions: Assemble into groups, your time keeper will be responsible for moving your group to each station along every 5 minutes. The presenter of your project will present your poster and current event to each group. When you are done, place your work in the box, and be seated. Tomorrow: Senior Breakfast
April 21, 2016 Agenda: Senior Awards Breakfast/No classes today
April 22, 2016 Agenda: Senior Skip Day/Makeup Day Directions: For those of you who are here, you may get work on any missed work, or take quizzes or tests you have missed.