Field Reporters Field reporters are the part of the news team that present stories away from the studio rather than in. Field reporters will go out and present the show from a relevant location. For example, during segments on Scottish independence, field reporters would stand outside landmarks in Glasgow and Edinburgh. The style of field reporting differs between GMTV and BBC News/ITV News. Often the studio reporters will link to the field reporter and they will be seen on screen talking about what’s happened where they are.The field reporter will have an eye witness with them and ask a couple of questions. The field reporter will back up what the Studio News readers have been talking about.
Examples On one hand, GMTV has a very light-hearted news style with field reporters speaking informally and giving off positive, happy body language, signifying a more light-hearted approach. On another hand, field reporters for ITV News have a more formal approach to presenting their piece.
Interviews Interviews are when the presenters of news show will question another relevant person to the story about the matter to cause debate or discussion, and of course to get answers. BBC and ITV stick to the same format of interviews whereas GMTV have a different style. With BBC and ITV, interviews will be very formal and direct to get distinct answers straight away, whereas with GMTV, interviews will still be on topic, however they may trail away from the subject ever so slightly to give a more relaxed feel to the interview. Two forms of interviews are direct set up interviews (similar to links to the studio), and vox-pops. Vox-pops are general interviews set on the spot and are used to get general opinions quickly.
Report Structure A report structure is the order in which a news story is presented. The general order in which a story is presented will be the presenter reading the headline, then cutting to a GV or field reporter to explain more on the situation. After this it will cut to an interview or an expert's analysis on the situation, followed by a closing statement from the field reporter. BBC and ITV News both follow this news structure to ensure punctuality due to the 30 minute time frame, whereas GMTV had 3 hours and 25 minutes to get content out. While working to a schedule, it is not as hectic to pack as much information into that amount of time. GMTV tend to present their reports in a similar fashion to BBC and ITV, however the report can be made a lot lengthier if need be, with space for extra information and to explain more-so, due to the extra time.