9A English September 21
Entry task: READERS and folders needed today. Score yourself on item one. Fill out yesterday’s scores based on your focus (or lack of focus) in the computer lab. Entry task: If you could give yourself the name of a superhero, what would it be? The girl in the story we will read today would call herself “Zeze the X.” What would your name be—and why?
Define: Metaphor Simile
Writing: Write a three paragraph piece entitled “My Name.” Use our reading today as a model. Be sure you have at least two images, two attempts to develop creative syntax, two creative word choices, and two similes, and two metaphors. UNDERLINE AND LABEL each one of these!
Monday: We will look at blogs as a class. We will score together. HAVE YOUR CHOICE BOOK READY TO GO! We will be talking about the book mosaic and giving you some reading time.