Three quarters of students in the sample are in the top GPA range, for which the recommendation is “Transfer Level w/o support”. However, as the next slide shows, a percentage of these students will choose to enroll in a support class or the all-in-one version. Data source: Peralta CCD Operational Data Store (ODS), extracted 10/16/18. Analysis is under review by college researchers and faculty.
Analysis is under review by college researchers and faculty. LEVEL OF ENGLISH COURSE(S) ATTEMPTED BY STUDENTS IN THEIR FIRST TERM OF ENGLISH AS A NON-SPECIAL ADMIT STUDENT (SUMMER 2015 - FALL 2018) IN THE DISTRICT: HEADCOUNT HS GPA Range Pre-Transfer Both Trn and Pretrn. Transfer Total LC HS GPA < 1.9 37 14 51 HS GPA 1.9 - 2.6 231 11 156 398 HS GPA >= 2.6 340 26 731 1,097 NA 1,486 165 2,414 4,065 2,094 202 3,315 5,611 BCC 1 16 43 135 19 193 347 196 81 965 1,242 762 344 2,765 3,871 1,119 445 3,939 5,503 MC 38 230 5 124 359 421 10 443 874 932 29 1,262 2,223 1,609 45 1,840 3,494 COA 13 32 145 6 140 291 208 669 893 748 59 1,558 2,365 1,120 2,380 3,581 Pre-transfer = student who attempted a non-transferrable class as their only English class in their first term of English in Peralta. Both Trn and Pretrn = students who attempted BOTH a transferrable and a non-transferrable class in the same term…. Transfer = students who attempted a transfer level class as their only English class in their first term …. Data source: Peralta CCD Operational Data Store (ODS), extracted 10/16/18. Analysis is under review by college researchers and faculty.
Percentage of Students Taking Transfer Level English in Their First Term of English as a non-special-admit at each HS GPA Range NA = High School GPA not available. Estimating the number of students who will choose to enroll each of the types of classes offered in Fall 2019 should take into account the likelihood they will enroll in a class that does not follow the recommendation based on high school GPA (if allowed to do so). * First term of English = term of first credit enrollment as a non-special admit at any Peralta college. Data source: Peralta CCD Operational Data Store (ODS), extracted 10/16/18. Analysis is under review by college researchers and faculty.
Success Rates of Students Taking Transfer Level English in Their First Term of English as a non-special-admit at each HS GPA Range * First term of English = term of first credit enrollment as a non-special admit at any Peralta college. Data source: Peralta CCD Operational Data Store (ODS), extracted 10/16/18. Analysis is under review by college researchers and faculty.
Obtain AA-Transfer to 4 year * 20,934 32% 3,294 16% 22% EDUCATION GOAL OF STUDENTS AT THEIR FIRST TERM IN PERALTA CCD (FALL 2010 – FALL 2017), NUMBER OF TRANSFERS AS A PERCENT OF THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS UNDER EACH GOAL AND OF TOTAL TRANSFERS ED GOAL FIRST-TIME STUDENTS % OF TOTAL FIRST-TIME TRANSFERS % OF GOAL % OF TOTAL TRANSFERS Obtain AA-Transfer to 4 year * 20,934 32% 3,294 16% 22% Transfer to 4yr without AA deg * 9,674 15% 2,842 29% 19% Undecided on goal 8,858 13% 1,640 11% 4yr coll stdnt taking courses * 8,384 4,903 58% Obtain 2yr AA w/out transfer 3,950 6% 257 7% 2% Prepare for new career 2,372 4% 205 9% 1% Educational Development 2,277 3% 726 5% Improve basic skills(Eng,Rd,M) 2,226 314 14% Earn a voc cert w/out transfr 1,743 89 Complete crdits for HS Dpl/GED * 1,451 328 23% Discover career interests * 1,436 18% Advance in current job/career 1,035 98 Maintain certificat or license 861 33 0% Obtain 2yr Voc Deg w/out trnfr 639 44 Move from noncred to Cred Crse 127 59 46% TOTAL 65,967 100% 15,089 * = Goals indicating intent to transfer (“Transfer Bucket”). Source: Multiple Measures Assessment Project (Apr. 2018) Transfer = student linked to enrollment record at a 4-year college or university in a term after their first term in Peralta CCD. First term = terms where enrollment status is first-time college student or first-time transfer (derived from SB15 and appln.)
Prob( GOAL )