*Practice words to know daily Class News Week of Jan. 16th Mrs. Mingledorff mmingledorff@effingham.k12.ga.us Mrs. Mallory mbailey@effingham.k12.ga.us Things to Remember Jan. 16 MLK Holiday Jan. 20 100th day – dress up like you are 100 years old and Eagles Nest Jan. 21 There will be Medicaid and Peachcare assistance at the Rincon library from 10:00-1:00 Jan. 25 Math Challenge Jan. 26 PTSO 7:00 Jan. 27 Popcorn and coke for $1 and Out of Uniform Day Please save box tops for education and send them in . They help raise money for our school - Your child needs to read, or be read to each night. Record the books on your child’s reading log. - Ice cream Thursdays - $1.00 WISH LIST : Airheads, m&m’s, clorox wipes What we’re Learning! Words with –ay and -ai. Missing addends and adding 3 numbers Shared reading – Tomas Rivera Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson Word Study – long a words like play, may, sail, rain. Word assessment on Jan. 20 Words to know: first, food, ground, right, sometimes, these, under, your (help your child read these) You can make flashcards for practice Your child needs to know how to spell words with the long a patterns and words to know words: first, your, right PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE Homework *Practice words to know daily Monday – Tuesday – Read, write 2 words with ai and 2 words with ay and write a sentence using one of the words. Wednesday – Read, Math sheet Thursday – Read, Math sheet and review ai/ay words It’s the 3rd 9 weeks! AR goal is 3 points Points earned: ____ Weekly Schedule Monday – Technology and Library Tuesday – Music Wednesday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Thursday – Art Friday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes)