Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonding Day 3 – Finish up Ionic Bonding, covalent bonding, elephant toothpaste
Warm up Cesium Calcium Iodine TIME: 4 MINUTES What ions are formed by the following atoms? Cesium Calcium Iodine REMEMBER: Metals LOSE electrons and non-metals GAIN electrons YOUR ANSWER: Should include the symbol for the element, and the charge of the ion. For example, Na+1 or Cl-1 TIME: 4 MINUTES WHEN DONE: Gather your “Ion Practice” assignment and tape it into your notebook and then, gather “Ionic Bonding” assignment from blue bin
Agenda Finish Activity: Ionic Bonding Demonstration: Elephant toothpaste Covalent Bonding Tutorial Next class: Learning Target Check in
Learning Targets I can describe how ionic, covalent and metallic bonds are formed between atoms
Finsh Ionic Bonding Activity DRAW: The Lewis Dot Structure for each atom USE: The manipulatives to show the transfer of electrons DESCRIBE: What you did WRITE: The ion WRITE: The ionic compound formula (remember to use ratios) TIME: 16 MORE MINUTES WHEN DONE: Turn into class box and open to your learning target page
Ionic Bonding Activity Clean Up Make sure: all electrons and elements make it back into the folder Return: the folders to Table 3 TIME: 3 MINUTES WHEN DONE: CHECK OUT A CHROMEBOOK FOR YOU AND A PARTNER
EQ: How do strong observations support my understanding of chemistry? Elephant Toothpaste 4/1 EQ: How do strong observations support my understanding of chemistry? Observations Descriptive Words Numbers Familiar Things Time Senses Endocrine Disruptors EQ: How do Endocrine Disruptors Impact Humans? HIGHLIGHT YOUR ASSIGNED PART
Strong Observations VIEW: Strong Observations on Page 2 of notebook TABLE 2: Descriptive Words TABLE 4: Use numbers TABLE 5: Compare to familiar things TABLE 6 AND 7: Describe changes over time TABLE 1: Use senses (sounds and smellS)
EQ: How do strong observations support my understanding of chemistry? Elephant Toothpaste 4/1 EQ: How do strong observations support my understanding of chemistry? Observations Descriptive Words Numbers Familiar Things Time Senses Endocrine Disruptors EQ: How do Endocrine Disruptors Impact Humans? H2O2 (aq) H20 (l) + O2 (g) KI (cat.) Reactants Products
EQ: How do strong observations support my understanding of chemistry? Elephant Toothpaste 4/1 EQ: How do strong observations support my understanding of chemistry? Endocrine Disruptors EQ: How do Endocrine Disruptors Impact Humans? H2O2 (aq) H20 (l) + O2 (g) NaI (cat.) Reactants Products (aq) = aqueous solution (compound dissolved in water) (cat.) = catalyst (speeds up reaction) (l) = liquid (g) = gas (s) = solid (not present in this reaction)
Covalent Bonding tutorial Glue: “COVALENT BONDING TUTORIAL” to the top of THE NEXT AVAILABLE RIGHT-HAND PAGE Time: 2 minutes When done: Follow instructions on tutorial and begin assignment
Covalent Bonding Tutorial USING CHROMEBOOK GO TO: CLICK ON: “Launch” ANSWER: Questions in your notebook as you complete tutorial (#10-14 in complete sentences below the questions) THIS TUTORIAL IS THE ONLY SITE YOU WILL VISIT TIME: 27 minutes WHEN DONE: Show me for full credit on assignment and then put away CHROMEBOOK
Learning Target Check In TURN TO: The Learning Target Page for Unit 7 FIND: Two different colored highlighters First color: Highlight supporting Targets 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 In the Page # Column, write the page number(s) for your “Intro to Bonding” notes Second Color: Highlight supporting Targets 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 In the Page # Column, write the page number(s) where your wrote your answers for the “Ionic Bonding Tutorial” TIME: 4 MINUTES WHEN DONE: SHOW ME