Jot down 2-3 questions you have for Books 21-23!
What role do the gods have in Book 22? Athena Apollo According to Penelope in Book 23, what do gods often do to people? Why do they do this?
Does the punishment fit the crime? Antinous Suitors Melanthius Maids
How is music used to deceive in book 23?
Discuss Penelope’s reaction to learning of Odysseus’ return Discuss Penelope’s reaction to learning of Odysseus’ return. What has Penelope feared would happen?
How does Penelope outwit Odysseus in Book 23?
What does Odysseus’ bed symbolize?
Do you think of Odysseus as a hero by the end of Book 23, and why or why not? In what ways does Odysseus develop as a character during the course of the narrative? Does he develop at all?
Book 24! The suitors are led into the Underworld where they explain to Agamemnon what happened during Books 17-22 (ha! There’s a summary I didn’t tell you about!) The men blame everything on Penelope; however, woman-hater Agamemnon is happy to hear that Penelope was loyal. Meanwhile, in Ithaca… Odysseus finds his father, Laertes, and decides he needs to test his loyalty, too… really? Odysseus tells Laertes that his name is Quarrelman and that he helped Odysseus out by giving him a room. Laertes thanks him. He then embraces his father. His father doesn’t believe it’s him so Odysseus shows him… you guessed it… his scar. Super emotional.
Book 24! A man named Eupeithes finds out about the suitors and asked the council to seek revenge. The council is then advised that the gods are on Odysseus side. Eupeithes, who is the late Antinous’s father, still wants Odysseus to die. Zeus tells Athena that peace can only come about if they accept Odysseus as King– they don’t. The families of the suitors roll up on Ithaca. There’s another fight where Laertes kills Eupeithes with a spear to the head. Athena calls for peace, and the men listen. They swear to peace, and everyone lived happily ever after. The END! (Except Odysseus leaves again…)