ENG 1D1 Friday May 8th, 2015
Meme of the Day
Today’s Agenda Take up Act 1 Scene 1 & 2 Scene Questions from yesterday Read/Listen to Act 1 Scenes 3 & 4 Act 1 Scenes 3 & 4 Questions ISU Reading/Journal Time
Questions From Act 1 Scene 1 If you were a psychologist asked to comment on the character and behaviour of both Orsino and Olivia from this brief glimpse, how would you describe them? In what ways are their situations similar? How are their emotional responses alike? Would you consider their behaviour healthy? Record your observations using evidence from the text. Take a look at Duke Orsino’s speeches throughout the scene. What are your opinions about Orsino’s views on love? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Questions From Act 1 Scene 1
Questions From Act 1 Scene 2 Why would Viola decide to disguise herself as a young man while she is in Illyria? What uncertainties would she face as a woman alone in a strange land? In the role of Viola, compose a diary entry in which you reflect upon these problems. Duke Orsino, Olivia, and Viola all have a problem that they are dealing with. Duke Orsino loves Olivia, but she does not love him; Olivia’s father and brother have just died; and Viola is shipwrecked in a foreign land and has lost her brother at sea. How is Viola’s response to her problem different from that of Orsino and Olivia in the previous scene? Provide textual evidence to support your answer. Questions From Act 1 Scene 2
Read Act 1 Scenes 3 & 4 Please take out your texts Turn to Act 1 Scene 3 We can either listen to the scene or assign roles and read it as a class Follow along in your own text
Reader Response Questions After reading the scenes you will answer questions in complete sentences with proof from the text (Small PPEC format) We will take these up on Monday Please take out your ISU novel and read when you are done
Homework Your 2nd ISU journal is due Monday May 11th, 2015 It should be: typed double spaced have a header about a page long single sided printed before you come to class